Education/Training: Fellowships: Related Fellowships: Research Training: Psychobiological Sciences

Research Training: Psychobiological Sciences

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Nature of Training
The Psychobiology Training Program prepares postdoctoral fellows for research careers examining disorders of complex human behavior, with particular emphasis on research approaches to clinical problems. Instruction in the principles of research methodology and technique are stressed. The program for each trainee consists mainly of active participation in research work under faculty preceptorship. This “bench training” offers opportunities for acquiring practical as well as theoretical proficiency in a variety of laboratory and statistical techniques, and firsthand experience with problems of experimental design and research strategy. This is supplemented by a curriculum of seminars and workshops (Psychobiology, Health and Disease; Psychopharmacology; Behavioral Genetics; Clinical Neurophysiology; Brain Imaging) in which trainees and faculty participate as a group. Flexible programs that are suited to unique interests and needs may be arranged.

Research projects may involve basic laboratory studies as well as clinical studies of patients with psychiatric and medical syndromes. Departmental laboratory facilities are available for human and animal studies in psychopharmacology, psychoneuro-immunology, behavioral genetics, clinical neurophysiology, brain imaging, neurochemistry, cellular neurophysiology, and neuropsychology. In addition, specialty clinical programs in alcoholism and the addictions, aging, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and other illnesses provide ample opportunity for clinical research and collaboration.

Post-doctoral candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in a social science from an accredited institution. Physician candidates must have status at the post-MD level.

All candidates must be able to formulate a research question, with their own focused, specific, research hypotheses and ideas, and a demonstrated or potential capacity for independent thought and investigation, judged by their past evaluations and records. Applicants must express a career plan that includes actively pursuing research in the future in an academic setting.

All candidates must be citizens of the United States or have documented “permanent resident” status.

The fellowship program is two years in length.

Stipend Levels
These fellowships are funded at National Institutes of Health stipend levels. Included with the fellowship stipend is some support for research, travel, and health insurance.

Deadline: Applications are accepted for admission throughout the year.

Application process: Submit a cover letter that describes your history of research experience; desire for a career in research in psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences; and a statement of your specific research interest. Along with a cover letter detailing your background and research interests, submit the following documents:

• updated curriculum vitae
• list of publications, if any
• current university transcripts
• a letter of recommendation from your primary adviser or supervisor
• two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with your scholastic and research activities and background
• a two-page description of a potential research project

All correspondence related to the postdoctoral fellowships should be sent to:

Andrew Leuchter, M.D.
Postdoctoral Research Training Program
UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
760 Westwood Blvd, Room 37-426
Los Angeles, CA 90024