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Research Interests
Dr. Shapiro’s mission is research and training on emotional, psychological, behavioral,
situational, and social factors affecting human physiological processes and health.
Current projects include: 1. Relations between blood pressure, cognitive functions,
and brain processes. 2. Family history of hypertension and psychological factors
affecting ambulatory blood pressure in healthy people. Also examined in this project are relationshships between inflammatory and other atherogenic markers and measures of autonomic nervous system functions, stress hormones, lipids, and insulin resistance. 3. Mood changes associated with yoga practices. The lab is open to students and post-docs interested in developing PNI projects.
Current research
Psychosocial Factors and Ambulatory Blood Pressure
Principal Investigator: Goldstein
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Agency: NIH
Type: RO1 HL52102 Period: 9/30/01-8/31/05
To study relations between family history of hypertension, personality traits (hostility, anger, anxiety, depression), and ambulatory blood pressure.
Blood Pressure, Cognitive Function, and MRI in Older Adults
Principal Investigator: Goldstein
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Agency: NIH
Type: R01 AG11595 Period: 3/01/99 - 11/30/04
To determine whether ambulatory blood pressure technology is useful in predicting early brain and cognitive changes which may predate stroke and other cerebral pathology.
Recent publications
Jamner LD, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB & Hug R. Ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate in paramedics: Effects of cynical hostility and defensiveness. Psychosomatic Medicine, 53, 393-406, 1991.
Shapiro D, Jamner LD & Goldstein IB. Ambulatory stress psychophysiology: The study of “compensatory and defensive counterforces” and conflict in a natural setting. Psychosomatic Medicine, 55, 309-323, 1993.
Futterman AD, Kemeny ME, Shapiro D & Fahey JL. Immunological and physiological changes associated with induced positive and negative mood. Psychosomatic Medicine, 56, 499-511, 1994.
Shapiro D, Jamner LD, Goldstein IB & Delfino RJ. Striking a chord: moods, blood pressure, and heart rate in everyday life. Psychophysiology, 38:197-204, 2001.
Shapiro D, Goldstein IB & Jamner L. Blood pressure in everyday life: Interplay of biological, psychological, social, emotional, and situational factors. In G, Weidner, M. Kopp, & M. Kristenson (Eds.). Heart disease: Environment, stress and gender. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002.
David Shapiro, Ph.D.
UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
Box 951759
Los Angeles, CA 90095
On-campus mail: 38-153 NPI 175919
Tel: (310) 825-0252
Fax: (310) 825-6792
Web: www.mentalhealth.ucla.edu/labs/psychophysiology